
Flusher2 systems are only ever installed within manhole chambers.
This facilitates simple and effective installation as well as ongoing
maintenance opportunities, as it is always much easier to wash
down a Flusher device within a manhole than it is to deal with a
blockage some significant distance along a pipe. Flusher2 is
equipped with unique failure prevention devices and an ultimate
failsafe overflow capability to satisfy the concerns of the most
sceptical Drainage Engineers. These are simple systems by design,
but the simplicity belies their potential to deliver the most
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comprehensive and sustainable range of drain cleaning capabilities
ever from a single solution.


The simple genius of Flusher 2
By storing and releasing the natural flow present in drains and sewers Flusher 2 generates enhanced hydraulic flush cleaning energy.
This energised flush action keeps simply repeating for permanently clean pipework Typically releasing it to Flush both the upstream and downstream catchment on average, 40 -100 times
per day under typical conditions in a normal Combined or Foul Sewer Catchment.
The resulting Flushing cycles clean and keep clean the pipework over considerable distances.– no power requirement, eliminates jetting cost and environmental impacts, no carbon footprint!